
To God be the glory for the great things He has done!

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Tyler Christmas Update

December 20, 2012

Dear Prayer Partners,

I just wanted to let you know that our Christmas Prayer Newsletter is available for download as a full-color PDF from our Dropbox account at:

You may like to print one of them to be more presentable than just the text of an e-mail. If you have any problems with the link or possibly suggestions for future communications, please let me know.

IMPORTANT: Please pray for our Christmas Concert tomorrow night that we will have many visitors and opportunity to lead some to the Lord!

Your servant in Christ,

Tim J. Tyler

Missionaries to Romania

Mobile: +40-723-400088

Home: +40-256-321560

Yahoo Phone-in: 541-210-8024 (number to my computer to leave message online)

sent by:

Lancaster Baptist Church

assisted by:

Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thankful to be Thankful

Thankful to be Thankful

We should be thankful to be thankful 
On this Thanksgiving Day- 
We have reason to sing praises, 
We are headed Heaven's Way! 
There are many in this darkened world 
Who cannot feel the same- 
They cannot sing and praise their Lord- 
Some don't even know His name! 

They have never met the Shepherd
Who dearly died on their behalf,
Who longs to comfort them and guide them
With His righteous rod and staff.

Some are so cruelly shackled
By life's problems and its pains,
And unaware that there's a Saviour
Who wants to break their chains.

Some, though, there are who've heard of Him
The salvation He imparts,
But still hesitate to ask Him
To come into their hearts- 

 With lives of deep confusion,
They try to handle life alone,
And never, ever seek and find
The peace He gives His own.

They face the darkest future
Without salvation's light,
Not turning to the One
Who gives Sin-blinded men their sight. 

Along with God's great blessings to us,
There's a duty we've been shown-
To reach out to all His wandering sheep,
And let His name be known.

May we, the saved, be thankful
That we can thankful be,
And pray that all these unsaved souls
Can someday praise like we!

Friday, August 31, 2012

Summer Update

August 31, 2012

Dear Prayer Partners,

"… the summer is ended, and we are not saved." Jeremiah 8:20 This simply means we have much more to do for the Lord!

We have had a very busy summer which began with some special meetings and VBS. Over 90 children attended during the exciting 3-day program put on with the help of 20 teens and adults from Arden Road Baptist Church in Amarillo, TX. We saw several return to participate in our weekly Sunday School classes. We also had children at each of the 4 weeks of summer camp, and several of them would not have been able to attend without help financially. So we gave them some projects at the church like painting and cleaning; so they would appreciate the opportunity even more. The cost each week just for fuel was about $200 (at about $6.60/gallon).

During the month of August, we had some 15 visitors in our services. We are following up on them and praying for souls to be saved. We distribute an average of 600-1000 tracts a week, and we trust that our obedience is receiving God's blessings.

Ioana, our assistant pastor's wife, has finished a 3 week program at a health clinic and her tests show no cancer and she feels better than she has in years. They have been a faithful and encouraging testimony for the Lord through their trials. Tabita continues to make slow, but promising, progress. It will be a year in October from when she was hit in the head by a car. The doctors still talk of her as the miracle girl, and today her mother told me that the city will put protected crosswalks at the place near her school where she was injured.

Our minivan finally gave up the ghost when the engine blew, and we need to sell our passenger van and try to replace it with a more reliable vehicle for transporting people for church. If you would please pray that we can find a van with automatic transmission, then Bro. Dan, who lost a leg during the Romanian Revolution of 1989, would be able to continue driving people to and from church.

Besides the increasing fuel costs that we face when the weather turns colder, we have several specific needs for which we ask for your prayers:

1. A new over-head garage door for the vehicle entrance at the church - $1100-1200 installed

2. Carpet for the children's classrooms – approx. $600

3. Thermal-pane doors to replace the French doors that divide 2 of the classes (this with the carpet is needed to block the noise between groups) – approx. $1000

4. Thermal-pane windows to help reduce our gas bill – about $300 each X 5

5. Fencing around the back of the property - $200

6. A BIG project is to finish the building that would provide housing for our Romanian pastor's family as well as provide extra classroom space. We have volunteers who have offered to do the work, but the materials need to be purchased first. Just to get the roof on the walls that exist will cost about $10,000. Other materials to finish the interior and exterior will be available when we receive the estimate from the architect.

Perhaps one of these projects would be of interest for a mission, class or personal funding project. We would like to hear from you and will also give updates as needs are met. To God be all the glory!

We appreciate your faithful regular prayers and support as we labor for souls and desciple for the Lord. Please also pray for our church family as several are looking for work and some are facing some very difficult trials. Please contact us if you need further information or have any questions.

Your servants in Christ,

Tim & Debra Tyler

Missionaries to Romania

Mobile: +40-723-400088

Home: +40-256-321560

Yahoo Phone-in: 541-210-8024 (number to my computer to leave message online)

sent by:

Lancaster Baptist Church

assisted by:

Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Beautiful Romania!

We arrived home after about 15 hours of travel through some of the most amazing scenery here in Romania. This 90 km road was originally built during communist times under Nicolae Ceaucescu. Whether intended to or not, it continues to give the people a first-hand view of GOD'S CONSTRUCTION! :-)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Overdue Update

July 12, 2012

Dear Prayer Partners,

Before I share the blessings and trials we have experienced here in Romania, I must ask your forgiveness for the lack of communication so far this year. While I have shared a few updates via e-mail, the last official letter was in January and the last e-mail was regarding the passing of Deb's father in April. I realize that I am responsible and accountable for the ministry God has entrusted to me, both to the Lord and to those who have partnered with us in prayer and financial support. I recall that during my time as pastor in the States, the lack of communication from a missionary might be viewed by our people as a lack of appreciation for support or something worse. I fear that you may be thinking the same, but I want to assure you that we have been very busy and have had circumstances that hindered me from writing (such as computer crashes 3 times, a continuing building project, death in the family and vehicle problems). It seemed like every time I would plan to make time to sit down and formulate a prayer letter, something major would happen or a big event or project would require my attention.

At this point you are probably thinking, "This guy is just making excuses!" I HAVE NO EXCUSES, rather I acknowledge that I should have made time for even brief updates on a regular basis. I accept all the responsibility and sincerely ask your forgiveness for neglecting this important aspect of our relationship (i.e., communication).

After such a busy fall working on the remodel of our new building, I am sure all were expecting to hear also about the way God would work in our ministry. Please allow me to share the highlights so far this year...

After returning from John and Pearl's wedding in January, we thrilled that were able to purchase 100 chairs for our church through the help of the Christian School at Valley forge Baptist Temple. We currently use 60 of them in our sanctuary weekly, and on one occasion had to set up almost 80.

On February 19th, we baptized Florin that was saved in January after nearly cutting off his right hand with a flex rotary grinder. Two teen boys, Asmir and Alin (who were saved at camp last summer), were also baptized on that day. They all continue to be faithful, but Alin has moved to the village to live with his grandparents and cannot make it every week.

In March, I preached the mission conference at the Gospel Light Independent Baptist Church in Cluj Napoca. The next week we had a "Wild West" theme for our Sweetheat banquet and ate BBQ sandwiches, baked beans and all the fixin's, and there were 8 visitors who came at the invitation of our people.

In April, we celebrated the Lord's Resurrection and had 10 visitors on Easter. We took Sarah Helwig on a tour of castles and ancient cities in Romania and later enjoyed her piano and violin students when they gave a final recital at the church. Sadly, Sarah has left us to return to the States and to a new ministry in Wyoming. She is missed very much, but the fruit of her labors is continually seen in our weekly services.

The month following is a blur... Deb left to be with her dad during his final days, and the Lord gave her (and all the family present) the privilege of seeing him gather strength to get out of bed and sit in a chair as he said "I love you" to each one. He then got back in bed, went to sleep and woke up in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ. I also arrived there later that same evening to console my wife and to help in the memorial serives. Deb stayed on for a couple of more weeks to help her mother and later to visit other family, both to comfort and to be comforted. It is still very difficult for her, especially on special days. Please continue to pray for her.

From June 17 until last Sunday, July 8, we have had several visiting preachers and a wonderful group of teens from Arden Road Baptist Church in Amarillo. During this time we had the BIMI European field conference, combined with a special conference for the promoting of the Bible College, which will re-open next year. When the 20 teens and adults arrived from Texas, we put them to work passing out tracts and invitations for our VBS, which took place July 2-4 with a high attendance of 77 and nearly 100 different children enrolled. Last Sunday, many of the new children came to church, along with their parents or grandparents.

Each month during the first half of this year we have held our Christian Children's Club and have gone out door-knocking and distributed an average of 500 tracts weekly. As a result, we have had a good number of adult visitors in our services and new children in our Sunday School.

We continue to work on the building and today painted the front and driveway walls of the building which had been prepped by the Texas team last week. We checked on installing air conditioning, but the cost is about twice as much as funds will allow. We need to do something soon since temperatures and humidity are already too high to be able to stay long in the auditorium.

Ioana and Cosmin, our assistant pastor, are at a health clinic for 2 weeks for treatment of her thyroid which has some suspicious spots. She is trying to eat healthy, but her symptoms take a toll on her. Please pray for her complete recovery.

Our family is well...just really tired. Bethany is playing the piano for services and specials now, and will be serving for 3 weeks at the Christian camp where we take youth from our church. We have some who would like to go, but don't have the finances; so we are looking for sponsors to help, while we encourage them to do practical things at the church and for families to earn some money.

I have already written over 1,000 words, but would like to show you some pictures to multiply their meaning. Please visit our website (blog) at as we will be posting them there soon!

Your servant in Christ,

Tim J. Tyler

Missionary to Romania

Mobile: +40-723-400088

Home: +40-256-321560

Yahoo Phone-in: 541-210-8024 (number to my computer to leave message online)

sent by:

Lancaster Baptist Church

assisted by:

Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Friday, May 11, 2012

UPDATE Bereavement prayers

April 29, 2012

Dear Prayer Partners,

I wanted to let you know that my wife's father passed away quietly on Wednesday evening at 7 pm Pacific Time. I arrived later that night from Europe and the days have been very busy since. The memorial service was held at Faith Baptist Church in Grants Pass, OR, and both Dad Brown's testimony and Pastor Burman's message gave a powerful witness to God's power in the life of a man who loves Him. The burial will take place Monday morning, June 30th, at 11 am at the Eagle Point Veterans Cemetary with full honors for his service during World War II. He was 88 years old.

Your continued prayers for us are greatly appreciated. I will return to Romania next Saturday and Deb will return after assuring that her mother has everything settled.

We are grateful for the messages of encouragement, flowers and financial gifts that have been sent. We can feel your prayers!

Your servant in Christ,

Tim J. Tyler

Missionary to Romania

Mobile: +40-723-400088

Home: +40-256-321560

Yahoo Phone-in: 541-210-8024 (number to my computer to leave message online)

sent by:

Lancaster Baptist Church

assisted by:

Baptist International Missions, Inc.

Monday, March 5, 2012

CCC - March 2012

The Christian Children's Club this month went well with about 25 kids in attendance.