
To God be the glory for the great things He has done!

Friday, May 11, 2012

UPDATE Bereavement prayers

April 29, 2012

Dear Prayer Partners,

I wanted to let you know that my wife's father passed away quietly on Wednesday evening at 7 pm Pacific Time. I arrived later that night from Europe and the days have been very busy since. The memorial service was held at Faith Baptist Church in Grants Pass, OR, and both Dad Brown's testimony and Pastor Burman's message gave a powerful witness to God's power in the life of a man who loves Him. The burial will take place Monday morning, June 30th, at 11 am at the Eagle Point Veterans Cemetary with full honors for his service during World War II. He was 88 years old.

Your continued prayers for us are greatly appreciated. I will return to Romania next Saturday and Deb will return after assuring that her mother has everything settled.

We are grateful for the messages of encouragement, flowers and financial gifts that have been sent. We can feel your prayers!

Your servant in Christ,

Tim J. Tyler

Missionary to Romania

Mobile: +40-723-400088

Home: +40-256-321560

Yahoo Phone-in: 541-210-8024 (number to my computer to leave message online)

sent by:

Lancaster Baptist Church

assisted by:

Baptist International Missions, Inc.